Restructure and Redundancy

As with the disciplinary process, there is a pretty simple process you need to follow if going into a restructuring and/or redundancy process. However, it is the most letigious point of employment law and therefore you need to ensure that you do it right.

Assessing Culture Fit

Sometimes the face simply doesn't fit. They do the tasks fine, but just don't gel with the team. But this can be very difficult to assess and explain to someone who isn't fitting in. This session I'll be talking about how to identify the cultural fit needed in your business, how to assess this at […]

Exit Interviews

Usually we know why someone has left, particularly in small businesses. However, the exit interview can be a very enlightening source of information. So, when can/should you do an exit interview, and how do you go about doing it?

Managing The Festive Season

Christmas is nearly upon us again (yikes), and, as I write this in January 2022, I am sincerely hoping that this will be a far more positive end of year than the last 2! This session will be about some of the practical things you need to do (notice of shutdown etc) and managing some […]

Fair Pay agreements Q&A session

Fair pay agreements (FPA) become legislation on the 1st December 2022 This is the single biggest legislation change since the early 1990’s and, as an employer you need to be prepared as you have legal obligations in respect of provision of information, access to staff etc. Max Whitehead will be joining me for an open […]

Common Pitfalls That Can Create Accidental Nightmares

Did you know the hourly rate of an employee actually costs you an additional 21.5% once you account for holiday pay, sick pay etc? If someone works a regular working pattern, they can double dip on holiday pay if you pay the 8% uplift? If someone works a regular day they are entitled to all […]

Lisa and Max Open Forum

Lisa will be joined by Max Whitehead of the Whitehead group for a discussion on what is happening with employment law, and case law.

Managing Sick Leave Abuse

Skivitis/sick leave abuse can have a hugely detrimental impact on the team. Extra pressure on those who have to cover the absence at short notice; infection of others who see someone "getting away with it". It is also a potential indicator of other underlying issues. The good news is there are some very effective cures […]

Is ChatGPT the Answer to your Staffing Issues?

Lisa will be joined by Sarah Ritchie of Journey Digital for a Q&A session about what is ChatGPT, and what are the opportunities for your business. Chat GPT, and other Artificial Intelligence platforms are very definitely in the public domain, and being used (including by your staff). This creates huge opportunities, both beneficial, and also […]

Medical Incapacity Terminations

For a whole host of reasons, sometimes an employee will no longer be able to do their job due to health reasons for a significant period of time. However you don't need to keep the job open forever, and often they will be better off if you terminate their employment on medical grounds. But how […]