Medical Incapacity Terminations

For a whole host of reasons, sometimes an employee will no longer be able to do their job due to health reasons for a significant period of time. However you […]

What is a Fair and Reasonable Decision

A lot of employment law is governed by parties being "fair and reasonable", but what does this mean? There is no hard and fast definition of a "fair and reasonable […]

The “Hidden” Theft

If someone took $20 out of the till without intending to return it, you would call it theft. But if someone adds an extra hour to their timesheet, or adds […]

Contractor V’s Employee

When is a "contractor" actually an employee? The courts have Tests of Justification that they use to assess the status of an individual, and, I could just about say I […]

Keeping up Morale

As I write this in October 22 I am ever hopeful that, by November 23, inflation will be down, Putin will have been controlled, and the UK will have a […]

Trial Periods V’s Probation periods

What is the difference, and when should I use which, or should I use both? With trial periods now open for employers of any size, what does this mean in […]

Which employment contract should I use?

Fixed-term, Full-time, part-time, casual, remote workers, lower guaranteed hours agreements….there are so many, but which one should I use?

Getting your staff mix correct

This session we will be looking at how to create flexiblity within your workforce to deal with fluctuations in demand. And also how to assess your current organisational structure to […]

Dealing with conflict in the workplace

We are all human, and not everyone will be best buddies, but when you spend 40 hours a week working with someone conflict can occur. In this webinar we will […]