
Making the right first impression! First impressions count! And if the first impression someone has of your company on day 1 is bad, then the chances of them uping and leaing within the first 6 months are huge. In addition, new staff will often waste a huge deal of time trying to "work things out […]

Managing Flexible working arrangements

Flexible working arrangements can be absolutely fantastic, or an absolute nightmare, for both the boss and the employee equally.  In this session, we will be talking about practical steps to make flexible working arrangements a win:win for everyone.

No jab no job discussion forum

As a business owner, you have a legal obligation to: Provide a safe working environment Act in good faith in the best interests of your company Irrespective of which side of the vaccination argument you sit, as a business owner you actually need to put those views aside and ensure that you are fulfilling your […]

Setting KPI’s to truly drive your business

When we talk of KPI's we often think of sales achieved, debtor days reduced etc. And, though these are important to monitor, they are looking at what has been done in the past, not what has to change for the future to look different. This month we are looking at how to set KPI's for […]

Successful Performance Reviews

Love them or dread them, performance reviews are essential if you want to drive your business in the right direction. This month we are talking about how to set up your performance review system to achieve the best outcomes and make it a positive experience

The Courageous Conversation

Debt collection, giving feedback, saying no .... we all have "courageous conversations" every day, and most of us still dread them. Learn some practical tips on how to get the best outcomes, without the negative kickback

Non-Fiscal Benefit Options

With a tight labour market, there is always the risk that someone is going to be offered more money than you can afford. But what other benefits can you offer to attract and retain good people?

Performance Improvement Plans

I have yet to find anyone who is coming to work intending to do a bad job, that is hard work! But people do the wrong things either because they don't know better or they can get away with it. Performance Improvement plans (PIP's) are a great way to give solid and consistent feedback to […]

Disciplinary Process

Disciplining staff is a relatively straight forward process (I promise it is!). However, you do have to follow the process correctly. This session will be a practical discussion about the process and how to get it right

Non-Traditional Recruitment Methods

The "traditional" submit your CV and come for an interview does not work for all roles. Particularly those with people who don't do well in interviews and/or don’t present a good CV. But how else do you recruit people? I'll be talking about practical interviews, assessment centres (not as complicated as it sounds) and other […]